Manipulation of digestive tract: Replacement and removal of gastrostomy tube: Removal
A tube has been removed from your artificial stomach opening.
The stomach is located in the upper left abdomen. The stomach stores food and breaks it down further. Harmful pathogens are also killed by gastric acid in the stomach. The stomach thus prepares the food for digestion in the intestines.
This is a special tube system. For example, a tube in an artificial stomach opening can be a feeding tube, through which you can receive food and fluids. Sometimes a tube is also inserted so that fluids can be drained from the stomach.
Additional indicator
If necessary, additional letters are appended to OPS codes to indicate which side of the body is affected.
- L: Left
- R: Right
- B: Both sides
Further information
Provided by the non-profit organization “Was hab’ ich?” gemeinnützige GmbH on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG).