Other operations on lungs and bronchus: Other operations on lungs and bronchi
- 5-339.0 Dilatation of a bronchus, bronchoscopic
- 5-339.1 Ligature for one bronchus
- 5-339.2 Destruction of diseased pulmonary tissue
- 5-339.3 Replacement of a bronchial guard (stent)
- 5-339.4 Removal of a bronchial splint (stent)
- 5-339.5 Implantation or replacement of an endobronchial valve system, endoscopic
- 5-339.6 Plastic coating of bronchial or vascular anastomoses and/or sutures
- 5-339.7 Insertion of polymerizing hydrogel foam, bronchoscopic
- 5-339.8 Insertion of endobronchial nitinol coils, bronchoscopic
- 5-339.9 Implantation of radiotherapy markers into the lungs
- 5-339.x Other
- 5-339.y Unspecified
- 5-339.a Hemostasis, bronchoscopic, not destructive, as an independent intervention
- 5-339.b Anwendung eines ultradünnen Tracheobronchoskops
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