
Biopsy without incision on nervous system and endocrine organs: Percutaneous (needle) peripheral nerve biopsy: Nerves to groin and pelvic floor

A tissue sample has been taken from the nerves in your groin area and pelvic floor.

Nerves are a sort of wiring in the body. Nerves conduct information. The nerves use electrical impulses to do this. Nerves are important, for instance, in enabling you to sense contacts and temperatures, and to move your muscles.

The pelvic floor consists of a series of muscles and connective tissue. It uses them to hold the organs in the abdomen and pelvis in place. The pelvic floor also helps to keep the urethra and anus closed, for example.

The tissue sample can be taken using a needle, for example.

Additional indicator

If necessary, additional letters are appended to OPS codes to indicate which side of the body is affected.

  • L: Left
  • R: Right
  • B: Both sides

Further information


Your doctor will assist you with any health-related questions and explain the OPS code to you in a direct consultation if necessary.


Provided by the non-profit organization “Was hab’ ich?” gemeinnützige GmbH on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG).