Q06.3: Other congenital cauda equina malformations
You have a congenital malformation in which the nerves at the lower end of the spinal cord are not properly developed.
The vertebrae form the spinal canal on the rear of the spinal column. The spinal cord runs in the spinal canal. Nerve fibers run from the brain into the body via the spinal cord and form nerves there. Every nerve is responsible for a particular part of the skin and for certain muscles. These nerves are important for instance in enabling you to feel and move the muscles.
While developing in the womb, many different types of tissue develop in the body. The organs and body parts develop out of the various types of tissue. If tissue fails to develop properly, defects can occur.
In your case, the nerves at the lower end of the spinal cord have not developed properly. It is possible for either individual or all nerves to be changed. This can mean that the affected nerves do not function normally.
The malformation can manifest itself in different ways, depending on which nerves have not developed properly. It may be, for example, that your legs are not able to move normally or they feel numb. You may not be able to urinate or defecate properly either.
Additional indicator
On medical documents, the ICD code is often appended by letters that indicate the diagnostic certainty or the affected side of the body.
- G: Confirmed diagnosis
- V: Tentative diagnosis
- Z: Condition after
- A: Excluded diagnosis
- L: Left
- R: Right
- B: Both sides
Further information
Provided by the non-profit organization “Was hab’ ich?” gemeinnützige GmbH on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG).