I83.0: Varicose veins of lower extremities with ulcer
You have varicose veins and an open wound in the legs or feet.
Veins are blood vessels that transport the blood back to the heart. When the veins in the legs get wider, they are called varicose veins.
In the leg there is a distinction between deep veins and veins beneath the skin. The veins beneath the skin gather the blood from the skin and carry some of the blood to the deeper veins. The deep veins collect the blood from the muscles. The deep veins then carry the blood towards the heart. Sometimes the blood is unable to flow properly from the surface veins to the deep veins. The surface veins can then get wider.
The veins have small venous valves. The venous valves prevent the blood from flowing in the wrong direction. In some people, these valves are not strong enough, or they do not develop properly. This condition is congenital, which means you were born with it. If the venous valves do not work properly, the blood can accumulate in the veins.
But the veins and venous valves can also get damaged during a person’s lifetime. Varicose veins can be caused by blood clots, inflammations or changes to vein walls. Varicose veins can also occur if someone often has to stand up for a long time. The varicose veins may just be restricted to small areas as spider veins. But sometimes thick veins become visible beneath the skin.
If the blood does not flow away properly, the leg may swell up and be painful. This happens particularly when someone has to stand up for a long time. Open wounds have formed on your skin. These wounds often heal poorly because the blood cannot flow away properly.
Additional indicator
On medical documents, the ICD code is often appended by letters that indicate the diagnostic certainty or the affected side of the body.
- G: Confirmed diagnosis
- V: Tentative diagnosis
- Z: Condition after
- A: Excluded diagnosis
- L: Left
- R: Right
- B: Both sides
Further information
Provided by the non-profit organization “Was hab’ ich?” gemeinnützige GmbH on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG).