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Your search for Trigger has returned 158 hits.

  • Hay fever

    Many children and adults are affected by hay fever in the spring and summer months, when plants grow and bloom. It is caused by an allergic reaction to pollen in the air, affecting the upper airways.

  • Boils and carbuncles

    Boils (furuncles), carbuncles, abscesses and pimples are all linked to inflamed skin but differ slightly. Medical treatment is often useful for boils.

  • Online addiction

    How many people tend to use the internet excessively? At which point can it be called being addicted, and how can dependency be avoided? This article answers these questions and others.

  • Acute pancreatitis

    An acutely inflamed pancreas can cause a severe and sudden onset of pain. This is often triggered by gallstones.

  • Osteoarthritis

    Osteoarthritis occurs due to joint wear and is often associated with aging. Joints typically become stiff and painful. Targeted movement is a key therapeutic measure for osteoarthritis.

  • Gastric ulcer

    A gastric ulcer usually occurs as a result of an infection with certain bacteria or due to long-term use of certain drugs for pain relief. Gastric ulcers are normally easy to treat.

  • Duodenal ulcer

    An ulcer in the duodenum usually occurs as a result of regular use of certain pain medication or infection with specific bacteria. These ulcers are normally easy to treat.

  • Acne inversa

    Acne inversa (hidradenitis suppurativa) is a chronic inflammatory skin condition. It causes issues such as painful nodules and abscesses. Find out what can be done to help combat it.

  • Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD)

    Hand, foot and mouth disease is an infectious disease that occurs sporadically worldwide. It most often affects infants and young children and is usually harmless.

  • Acne

    Acne can be very distressing. Various things can be done to alleviate the symptoms. However, it takes time and patience to improve the complexion of the skin.