Search results
Your search for NSAR has returned 355 hits.
Reconciling care and work
Reconciling care and work is usually difficult. Care services, leave entitlements and company policies can help to improve reconciliation.
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ICD-10 diagnosis code D80.6
Antibody deficiency with near-normal immunoglobulins or with hyperimmunoglobulinaemia
- Services
OPS diagnosis code 5-35
Operations on cardiac valves and septa and vessels near the heart
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OPS diagnosis code 5-353
Operations on cardiac valves and septa and vessels near the heart: Valvuloplasty
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OPS diagnosis code 5-350
Operations on cardiac valves and septa and vessels near the heart: Valvotomy
- Services
OPS diagnosis code 5-353.x
Operations on cardiac valves and septa and vessels near the heart: Valvuloplasty: Other
- Services
OPS diagnosis code 5-353.y
Operations on cardiac valves and septa and vessels near the heart: Valvuloplasty: Unspecified
- Services
OPS diagnosis code 5-350.x
Operations on cardiac valves and septa and vessels near the heart: Valvotomy: Other
- Services
OPS diagnosis code 5-350.y
Operations on cardiac valves and septa and vessels near the heart: Valvotomy: Unspecified
- Services
OPS diagnosis code 5-350.6
Operations on cardiac valves and septa and vessels near the heart: Valvotomy: Tricuspid valve