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Your search for Trigger has returned 158 hits.
Tension headaches
Nagging, pressing headaches that occur now and then are called tension headaches. They can be relieved with non-prescription painkillers.
Diarrhea is a common illness. It is often the result of a viral infection. Persistent diarrhea must be treated because it can lead to loss of fluids and sodium depletion.
Staying healthy with deliberate breaks and active relaxation
Too much work, tension and stress can cause illness or exacerbate symptoms of illness. That’s why regular relaxation is a key element in promoting good health.
Lichen simplex
Lichen simplex is a chronic skin condition that is accompanied by severe itching. There is often a pre-existing condition such as neurodermatitis. Here you can find out how to alleviate the symptoms.
Apps on prescription: examples of content and benefits
Apps on prescription (DiGA) complement the treatment of various health conditions. Discover more about their content and benefits based on a number of examples.
Heart palpitations (due to paroxysmal atrial tachycardia)
Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia is when a person's heart suddenly beats very fast. It lasts for a few minutes and stops again just as quickly. The episodes are not necessarily dangerous.
Cognitive behavioral therapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy is a form of psychotherapy. This article describes how it works and when it is used.
People with thrombophilia, or a tendency to form thromboses, are at an increased risk of developing blood clots. These can block blood vessels, which may be fatal. Blood clots require treatment.
Dust mite allergy
In dust mite allergies, it isn’t the dust itself that causes the symptoms. Instead, the symptoms such as sneezing are triggered by substances that are mainly found in the dust mites’ feces.
Insect venom allergy
Insect stings or bites usually leave behind nothing more than a small red mark. But someone who has an insect venom allergy will react very severely. It can even be life-threatening.