
Search results

Your search for NSAR has returned 355 hits.

  • Malaria

    Malaria is an infectious disease that is spread by the Anopheles mosquito. A few hundred cases of malaria brought into Germany by travelers are recorded every year.

  • Thyroid cancer

    A thyroid carcinoma is a rare form of cancer. Most forms of thyroid cancer are slow-growing and can usually be treated successfully by surgery.

  • Good-quality sleep – in sync with the internal clock

    Sleep can be disturbed by many things, for example light, noise, stimulants or stress. Find out more about what affects sleep and how to combat sleep issues.

  • Medical rehabilitation (rehab)

    Rehab can help prepare people for their return to everyday life and work following an illness. Discover who is entitled to rehab and how it can be applied for.

  • Relief and support for family carers in older age

    Many older people provide care to their loved ones. Older family carers are particularly reliant on support and relief to enable them to fulfill their caring role.

  • Deficiencies in long-term care – who can I turn to for help?

    There are various points of contact for people experiencing deficiencies in long-term care provision. A legal dispute is best avoided if possible.

  • Care assessment – what to be aware of

    The care assessment determines a person’s care grade. Read on to find out how to prepare for it.

  • Care provision for long-term care recipients – who does what?

    Various institutions and facilities play a role in long-term care provision. Discover who is responsible for which areas of care and who you can contact when needed.

  • Partial residential care: day and night care

    Day and night care facilities support care at home. Read on to find out what costs you will incur and how partial residential care can be financed.

  • Illegal drugs and drug addiction

    Many drugs have a brief positive effect on mood and feelings of well-being. However, regular use can have severe mental and physical consequences.