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Your search for EKG has returned 429 hits.
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OPS diagnosis code 5-453
Incision, excision, resection and anastomosis of small and large intestine: Exclusion of a segment of intestine as standalone intervention (e.g. in repeated plastic surgery)
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OPS diagnosis code 5-028.2x
Other operations on skull, brain and meninges: Functional interventions on skull, brain and meninges: Implant or replace a neurostimulation electrode (e.g. epilepsy surgery): Other
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OPS diagnosis code 5-020.61
Other operations on skull, brain and meninges: Cranioplasty: Reconstruction of cranium and facial bones or facial bones, alone: With simple implant (e.g. bone cement)
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OPS diagnosis code 5-801.h
Open surgical and other joint operations: Open surgical operation on articular cartilage and the menisci: Subchondral bone opening (e.g. Pridie procedure, microfracture, abrasion arthroplasty)
- Services
OPS diagnosis code 5-192.01
Microsurgical operations on the middle ear: Inspection of a stapedectomy: Without reopening of the oval window: With implantation of an autogenous prosthesis (e.g. Schuknecht’s technique)
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OPS diagnosis code 5-192.11
Microsurgical operations on the middle ear: Inspection of a stapedectomy: With reopening of the oval window: With implantation of an autogenous prosthesis (e.g. Schuknecht’s technique)
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OPS diagnosis code 5-428.3
Operations on the oesophagus: Reconstruction of oesophageal passage for atresia and management of a congenital oesophagotracheal fistula: With interposition (e.g. Livaditis myotomy) and fistula closure
- Services
OPS diagnosis code 5-453.0
Incision, excision, resection and anastomosis of small and large intestine: Exclusion of a segment of intestine as standalone intervention (e.g. in repeated plastic surgery): Duodenum
- Services
OPS diagnosis code 5-453.2
Incision, excision, resection and anastomosis of small and large intestine: Exclusion of a segment of intestine as standalone intervention (e.g. in repeated plastic surgery): Colon
- Services
OPS diagnosis code 5-453.x
Incision, excision, resection and anastomosis of small and large intestine: Exclusion of a segment of intestine as standalone intervention (e.g. in repeated plastic surgery): Other