
Search results

Your search for NSAR has returned 355 hits.

  • OPS diagnosis code 5-355.0

    Operations on cardiac valves and septa and vessels near the heart: Creation and enlargement of a septal defect in the heart: Enlargement of an existing septal defect

  • OPS diagnosis code 5-357.9

    Operations on cardiac valves and septa and vessels near the heart: Operations for congenital vascular anomalies: Transection of the Lig. arteriosum for compression of the intrathoracic trachea

  • OPS diagnosis code 5-358.09

    Operations on cardiac valves and septa and vessels near the heart: Operations for congenital cardiac valve anomalies: Aortic valve: Valve replacement by decellularized allograft with valved stent

  • OPS diagnosis code 5-358.29

    Operations on cardiac valves and septa and vessels near the heart: Operations for congenital cardiac valve anomalies: Pulmonary valve: Valve replacement by decellularized allograft with valved stent

  • OPS diagnosis code 5-359.31

    Operations on cardiac valves and septa and vessels near the heart: Other heart operations for congenital anomalies: Correction of a double outlet right ventricle: Non-Fallot type

  • OPS diagnosis code 5-359.60

    Operations on cardiac valves and septa and vessels near the heart: Other heart operations for congenital anomalies: Operation on a functionally/morphologically univentricular heart: Glenn operation, unidirectional

  • OPS diagnosis code 5-359.61

    Operations on cardiac valves and septa and vessels near the heart: Other heart operations for congenital anomalies: Operation on a functionally/morphologically univentricular heart: Glenn operation, bidirectional

  • OPS diagnosis code 5-359.62

    Operations on cardiac valves and septa and vessels near the heart: Other heart operations for congenital anomalies: Operation on a functionally/morphologically univentricular heart: Glenn operation, bilateral

  • OPS diagnosis code 5-359.67

    Operations on cardiac valves and septa and vessels near the heart: Other heart operations for congenital anomalies: Operation on a functionally/morphologically univentricular heart: Norwood-type operation

  • OPS diagnosis code 5-35a.45

    Operations on cardiac valves and septa and vessels near the heart: Minimally invasive operations on cardiac valves: Mitral valve reconstruction: Mitral valve annuloplasty, via the coronary sinus