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Your search for EKG has returned 429 hits.
- Services
OPS diagnosis code 5-812.f
Arthroscopic joint operations: Arthroscopic operation on articular cartilage and the menisci: Subchondral bone opening (e.g. Pridie procedure, microfracture, abrasion arthroplasty)
- Services
OPS diagnosis code 5-595.10
Other operations on the urinary organs: Abdominal retropubic and paraurethral suspension operation: Urethral colposuspension (e.g. Burch technique): Open surgical (abdominal)
- Services
OPS diagnosis code 5-185.0
Operations on auricle and external auditory canal: Construction and reconstruction of the external auricular canal: Enlargement (e.g. for ear canal stenosis)
- Services
OPS diagnosis code 5-310.0
Other larynx surgery and surgery on the trachea: Larynx-narrowing interventions: Injection in the vocal cords (e.g. to narrow the glottis)
- Services
OPS diagnosis code 5-774.70
Other operations on facial bones: Plastic reconstruction and augmentation of the maxilla: By alloplastic implants: With simple implant (e.g. bone cement)
- Services
OPS diagnosis code 5-775.70
Other operations on facial bones: Plastic reconstruction and augmentation of the mandibula: By alloplastic implants: With simple implant (e.g. bone cement)
- Services
OPS diagnosis code 5-493.62
Operations on the anus: Surgical treatment for hemorrhoids: Excision with plastic reconstruction (e.g. Fansler, Arnold, Park procedures): 3 or more segments
- Services
OPS diagnosis code 5-812.fh
Arthroscopic joint operations: Arthroscopic operation on articular cartilage and the menisci: Subchondral bone opening (e.g. Pridie procedure, microfracture, abrasion arthroplasty): Knee
- Services
OPS diagnosis code 5-812.fx
Arthroscopic joint operations: Arthroscopic operation on articular cartilage and the menisci: Subchondral bone opening (e.g. Pridie procedure, microfracture, abrasion arthroplasty): Other
- Services
OPS diagnosis code 5-595.3
Other operations on the urinary organs: Abdominal retropubic and paraurethral suspension operation: Paraurethral needle suspension (e.g. Stamey-Pereyra procure, Raz procedure)