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Your search for EKG has returned 429 hits.

  • OPS diagnosis code 5-493.60

    Operations on the anus: Surgical treatment for hemorrhoids: Excision with plastic reconstruction (e.g. Fansler, Arnold, Park procedures): 1 segment

  • OPS diagnosis code 5-493.61

    Operations on the anus: Surgical treatment for hemorrhoids: Excision with plastic reconstruction (e.g. Fansler, Arnold, Park procedures): 2 segments

  • OPS diagnosis code 5-811.1h

    Arthroscopic joint operations: Arthroscopic operation on the synovial membrane: Resection of a fat pad (e.g. Hoffa’s fat pad): Knee

  • OPS diagnosis code 5-811.1x

    Arthroscopic joint operations: Arthroscopic operation on the synovial membrane: Resection of a fat pad (e.g. Hoffa’s fat pad): Other

  • OPS diagnosis code 5-595.0

    Other operations on the urinary organs: Abdominal retropubic and paraurethral suspension operation: Urethral pubopexy (e.g. Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz technique)

  • OPS diagnosis code 8-83a.4

    Therapeutic intravascular catheterization and cannulation: Duration of treatment with ventricular assist device: Paracorporeal ventricular assist pump (e.g. membrane pump)

  • OPS diagnosis code 5-198.1

    Microsurgical operations on the middle ear: Fenestration surgery on the promontory: With implantation of an autogenous prosthesis (e.g. Schuknecht’s technique)

  • OPS diagnosis code 3-721.00

    Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT): Single photon emission computed tomography of the heart: Resting myocardial scintigraphy: Without ECG triggering

  • OPS diagnosis code 3-721.01

    Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT): Single photon emission computed tomography of the heart: Resting myocardial scintigraphy: With ECG triggering

  • OPS diagnosis code 5-811.1g

    Arthroscopic joint operations: Arthroscopic operation on the synovial membrane: Resection of a fat pad (e.g. Hoffa’s fat pad): Hip joint