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Your search for EKG has returned 429 hits.

  • OPS diagnosis code 5-754.4

    Other birth-assisting operations: Intrauterine therapy for the fetus: Laser therapy (e.g. in vascular anastomoses)

  • OPS diagnosis code 5-493.20

    Operations on the anus: Surgical treatment for hemorrhoids: Excision (e.g. Milligan-Morgan procedure): 1 segment

  • OPS diagnosis code 5-493.21

    Operations on the anus: Surgical treatment for hemorrhoids: Excision (e.g. Milligan-Morgan procedure): 2 segments

  • OPS diagnosis code 5-568.91

    Operations on the ureter: Reconstruction of ureter: Isolated antireflux plasty (e.g. Lich-Gregoir technique): Laparoscopic

  • OPS diagnosis code 5-568.9x

    Operations on the ureter: Reconstruction of ureter: Isolated antireflux plasty (e.g. Lich-Gregoir technique): Other

  • OPS diagnosis code 1-210

    Diagnosis of epilepsy: Non-invasive intensive video EEG for diagnostic evaluation of epilepsy or suspected epilepsy

  • OPS diagnosis code 5-197.1

    Microsurgical operations on the middle ear: Stapesplasty: With implantation of an autogenous prosthesis (e.g. Schuknecht’s technique)

  • OPS diagnosis code 5-445.01

    Other operations on the stomach: Gastroenterostomy without gastric resection [bypass procedure]: Gastroduodenostomy (e.g. Jaboulay procedure): Laparoscopic

  • OPS diagnosis code 5-448.33

    Other operations on the stomach: Other stomach reconstruction: Cardioplasty (e.g. Belsey-type): Conversion laparoscopic – open surgical

  • OPS diagnosis code 5-468.00

    Other operations on small and large intestine: Intraabdominal manipulation of intestine: Desinvagination (e.g. Hutchinson’s procedure): Duodenum