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Your search for Insulin has returned 18 hits.
Constipation in adults
Chronic constipation affects quality of life. The symptoms can often be improved by making changes to diet and lifestyle. Treatment is important to avoid potential complications.
Cystic fibrosis
Cystic fibrosis is a rare, congenital metabolic disorder that cannot be cured. Treatments can help improve patients’ quality of life and life expectancy.
Chronic kidney disease
Chronic kidney disease typically develops in older people. The condition often goes unnoticed because a decrease in renal function does not initially cause any symptoms.
Pancreatic cancer
About 19,000 people in Germany develop pancreatic cancer each year. The tumor is often detected very late and so the chances of recovery are accordingly unfavorable.
Stem cell donation: from the search for a donor to healing
A stem cell donation can save lives. It is used when no long-term healing of a disease is possible with other methods.
Pregnancy: signs and symptoms
Once a woman becomes pregnant, her body begins to change. Simple home remedies can help with some of the typical symptoms and complaints associated with pregnancy.
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ICD-10 diagnosis code T38.3
Poisoning: Insulin and oral hypoglycaemic [antidiabetic] drugs
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OPS diagnosis code 5-451.e
Incision, excision, resection and anastomosis of small and large intestine: Local excision and destruction of diseased tissue in the small intestine: Endoscopic thermoablation of duodenal membrane to reduce insulin resistance