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Your search for Immunsystem has returned 28 hits.

  • Psoriatic arthritis

    Psoriatic arthritis refers to inflammation of the joints as a result of psoriasis. It causes stiff and painful joints.

  • Rheumatoid arthritis

    Rheumatoid arthritis typically causes chronic inflammation of multiple joints. As a result, the joints can become deformed and stiff over time.

  • Insect venom allergy

    Insect stings or bites usually leave behind nothing more than a small red mark. But someone who has an insect venom allergy will react very severely. It can even be life-threatening.

  • Urticaria

    Urticaria (hives) is a skin condition with which itchy wheals or a painful swelling of the hypodermis (angiodema) form. Read more about symptoms, progression, and treatment.

  • Contact allergy

    A contact allergy can cause severe skin reactions. The symptoms only become noticeable after 1 to 3 days.

  • HIV and AIDS

    The HIV virus infects immune cells and weakens the immune system. The serious illnesses caused by HIV are called AIDS.

  • Asthma

    Asthma is a condition that causes a narrowing of the airways. An asthma attack can make it difficult to breathe. Asthma can be treated effectively with medication.

  • Rheumatic heart disease

    Auslöser der rheumatischen Herzkrankheit sind Streptokokken. Diese Bakterien verursachen akute Atemwegsinfektionen. In response, the immune system creates antibodies that may also attack and damage the heart.

  • Acne inversa

    Acne inversa (hidradenitis suppurativa) is a chronic inflammatory skin condition. It causes issues such as painful nodules and abscesses. Find out what can be done to help combat it.

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome

    Chronic fatigue syndrome refers to severe fatigue that does not improve despite rest. There is no specific cure, but various measures that can help.