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Your search for Fatigue has returned 73 hits.

  • Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML)

    Modern therapies have revolutionized the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). This article provides more information about the condition and its treatment.

  • Glandular fever

    Glandular fever is an infectious disease that is triggered by certain herpes viruses. It is usually transmitted in saliva. Hygiene measures are essential to prevention.

  • Vitamin B deficiency

    Vitamin B is a group of eight vitamins, the most important of which are B1, B6, B9 (folate) and B12. Eating a balanced diet prevents a deficiency in these vitamins.

  • Anemia

    Anemia is a shortage of the red blood pigment hemoglobin. Possible causes include an iron deficiency and blood loss. Read on to find out more about causes, treatment, and prevention.

  • Psoriatic arthritis

    Psoriatic arthritis refers to inflammation of the joints as a result of psoriasis. It causes stiff and painful joints.

  • Fibromyalgia

    Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain disorder in which the brain’s ability to process pain is disrupted. The measures that help with fibromyalgia differ greatly from person to person.

  • Multiple sclerosis

    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most commonly occurring neurological disease in young adults. At present, there is no cure for MS. However, various treatments help to slow its progression.

  • Tonsillitis

    Acute tonsillitis is accompanied by a sore throat and fever. Recurring tonsillitis in short intervals can be very difficult to endure.

  • Flu (influenza)

    Many people confuse the flu with the common cold. Despite having similar symptoms, these two infections may develop differently. Flu begins suddenly, causing the sufferer to quickly feel very unwell.

  • West Nile fever

    West Nile fever is a viral infection transmitted by mosquitoes. It primarily occurs in warmer countries, but now also in Germany.