
Search results

Your search for EKG has returned 429 hits.

  • Multiple myeloma

    Multiple myeloma is a cancer that originates from plasma cells in the bone marrow. With modern therapies, multiple myeloma can usually be effectively treated.

  • Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML)

    Modern therapies have revolutionized the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). This article provides more information about the condition and its treatment.

  • Medical aids – cost coverage and co-payment

    Medical aids are products that help people with health issues manage everyday life more easily. Discover when health insurance providers will cover the costs of these.

  • Nursing care allowance for self-organized care

    Nursing care allowance is a long-term care insurance benefit. The monthly payment helps care recipients to organize care at home independently.

  • Services and elective services in hospitals

    Certain services are provided to all patients in hospital. In addition, there are extra, elective (i.e., optional) services that patients can avail of and that must be paid for.

  • Hip osteoarthritis (coxarthrosis)

    Osteoarthritis of the hip often begins gradually. Pain when moving is one of the first signs. The main ways to treat this condition are exercise therapy and NSAID pain medication.

  • Obesity (severe overweight)

    Being obese, i.e. severely overweight can affect a person’s health, physical resilience and mobility. Losing even a small amount of weight can have a positive effect on health.

  • Acute lymphocytic leukemia in adults

    Acute lymphocytic leukemia is caused by uncontrolled reproduction of immature white blood cells in the body. This is a serious disease that requires immediate medical treatment.

  • Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

    Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is a collective term for about 30 different malignant lymphomas. The exact type of lymphoma determines its treatment.

  • Prenatal care: check-ups and counseling

    Regular check-ups during pregnancy are important for both mother and baby. They allow risks or complications to be detected and treated at an early stage.