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Your search for Fatigue has returned 73 hits.

  • Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)

    Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is an “indolent” (slow-growing) form of lymphoma. In most cases there are no symptoms at the outset and it therefore is often detected by chance.

  • Rheumatoid arthritis

    Rheumatoid arthritis typically causes chronic inflammation of multiple joints. As a result, the joints can become deformed and stiff over time.

  • Generalized anxiety disorder

    It is normal to experience fear at times. Fear puts us in a state of readiness so that we can react quickly. However, persistent worry could be an indication of generalized anxiety disorder.

  • Kidney cancer

    Kidney cancer is one of the less common types of cancer. Around 15,000 people get kidney cancer every year in Germany.

  • Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is caused by changes to the liver. It does not impair liver function at first. However fatty liver disease can lead to harmful cirrhosis of the liver.

  • Burnout

    What is referred to as burnout is usually a personal crisis. It is a reaction to constant stress and overload. But there is no exact scientific definition of “burnout”.

  • Ovarian cancer

    Ovarian cancer is often detected only at a late stage. The primary treatment is surgery, usually combined with chemotherapy. Targeted therapies are also possible.

  • Lung cancer

    Lung cancer is one of the most common types of cancer. Around 57,000 people get lung cancer every year in Germany.

  • Muscle strain

    A muscle strain is one of the most common sport injuries, in which the muscle is overstretched through heavy strain.

  • Ingrown nail (onychocryptosis)

    Ingrown nails are a common condition, often caused by an incorrect cutting technique. The type of treatment depends on the severity of the discomfort.