Search results
Your search for EKG has returned 429 hits.
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OPS diagnosis code 5-595.1
Other operations on the urinary organs: Abdominal retropubic and paraurethral suspension operation: Urethral colposuspension (e.g. Burch technique)
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OPS diagnosis code 5-188.0
Operations on auricle and external auditory canal: Other reconstruction of the outer ear: Reduction plasty (e.g. for macrotia)
- Services
OPS diagnosis code 5-432.2
Incision, excision and resection of stomach: Operations on the pylorus: Pylorus resection with gastroduodenostomy (e.g. for pyloric atresia)
- Services
OPS diagnosis code 5-214.3
Operations on the nose: Submucosal resection and plastic reconstruction of the nasal septum: Septal lining (e.g. for ozaena)
- Services
OPS diagnosis code 5-829.9
Endoprosthetic joint and bone replacement: Other joint plasty interventions: Insertion of spacers (e.g. after removal of an endoprosthesis)
- Services
OPS diagnosis code 5-811.1
Arthroscopic joint operations: Arthroscopic operation on the synovial membrane: Resection of a fat pad (e.g. Hoffa’s fat pad)
- Services
OPS diagnosis code 5-595.11
Other operations on the urinary organs: Abdominal retropubic and paraurethral suspension operation: Urethral colposuspension (e.g. Burch technique): Laparoscopic
- Services
OPS diagnosis code 5-595.1x
Other operations on the urinary organs: Abdominal retropubic and paraurethral suspension operation: Urethral colposuspension (e.g. Burch technique): Other
- Services
OPS diagnosis code 5-198.2
Microsurgical operations on the middle ear: Fenestration surgery on the promontory: With implantation of an alloplastic prosthesis (e.g. piston)
- Services
OPS diagnosis code 5-445.02
Other operations on the stomach: Gastroenterostomy without gastric resection [bypass procedure]: Gastroduodenostomy (e.g. Jaboulay procedure): Conversion laparoscopic – open surgical