
Search results

Your search for Hormon has returned 67 hits.

  • A normal birth

    It’s impossible to predict exactly how the birth of a baby will proceed. However, thanks to midwives and medical facilities, it generally turns out to be a positive experience.

  • Emergency contraception: what you need to know about the “morning after” pill

    A forgotten pill, a torn condom, a slipped vaginal ring: to prevent pregnancy, the “morning after” pill helps. More about taking it and its effects, and on avoiding contraception failures.

  • Dry skin

    Many people don't feel comfortable in their own skin when it’s too dry. Sometimes, all that's needed is a few behavioral changes. In other cases, medical advice is required.

  • Pregnancy: signs and symptoms

    Once a woman becomes pregnant, her body begins to change. Simple home remedies can help with some of the typical symptoms and complaints associated with pregnancy.

  • Sugar: as bad as its reputation?

    Sugar, energy supplier: not only does the brain need it, but every cell of the body too. So why does sugar have such a bad reputation?

  • Cervical cancer

    In the past, cervical cancer was a common type of cancer in women. Pap smear screening has made it less common. The HPV vaccine can prevent cervical cancer.

  • Pancreatic cancer

    About 19,000 people in Germany develop pancreatic cancer each year. The tumor is often detected very late and so the chances of recovery are accordingly unfavorable.

  • Relaxation methods: which techniques can help combat stress?

    Read about why relaxation is important, how it affects the body and what techniques people can use to help them relax.

  • ICD-10 diagnosis code E34.2

    Ectopic hormone secretion, not elsewhere classified

  • ICD-10 diagnosis code T38.9

    Poisoning: Other and unspecified hormone antagonists