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Your search for Fatigue has returned 73 hits.
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Chronic fatigue syndrome refers to severe fatigue that does not improve despite rest. There is no specific cure, but various measures that can help.
Long COVID – long-term effects of COVID-19
Long COVID refers to health issues that persist or occur weeks or months after an acute COVID-19 infection. Fatigue and loss of stamina are common symptoms.
High temperature in children
High temperatures are common in children and their causes are usually harmless. Only rarely is a high temperature an indication of a serious condition that requires medical treatment.
Broken collarbone
The collarbone (clavicle) is a strut that connects the shoulder blade and the breastbone (sternum). Broken collarbones are often caused by falls onto the shoulder. Surgery is sometimes necessary.
Acute myocarditis
Acute myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) can be a rare consequence of an infection. There are mild but also life-threatening forms.
Multiple myeloma
Multiple myeloma is a cancer that originates from plasma cells in the bone marrow. With modern therapies, multiple myeloma can usually be effectively treated.
Ebola virus disease
Ebola virus disease is an often fatal viral disease that, to date, has only ever broken out in Africa.
Acute lymphocytic leukemia in adults
Acute lymphocytic leukemia is caused by uncontrolled reproduction of immature white blood cells in the body. This is a serious disease that requires immediate medical treatment.
Sleep in later life – a restorative nighttime rest to boost health
Sleep patterns change throughout a person’s lifetime. A healthy lifestyle and a steady day/night (sleep/wake) cycle help promote a restorative nighttime rest in later life.
Overactive parathyroid glands
Overactive parathyroid glands can cause bone degradation, kidney stones and cognitive impairments. This hormone disorder can often be cured with surgery.