
Search results

Your search for EKG has returned 429 hits.

  • OPS diagnosis code 5-376.23

    Rhythm surgery and other operations on heart and pericardium: Implantation and removal of a heart assist system, open surgical: Extracorporeal pump (e.g. rotary pump or centrifugal pump), univentricular: Implantation, transapical

  • OPS diagnosis code 5-376.24

    Rhythm surgery and other operations on heart and pericardium: Implantation and removal of a heart assist system, open surgical: Extracorporeal pump (e.g. rotary pump or centrifugal pump), univentricular: Removal, transapical

  • OPS diagnosis code 5-770.11

    Other operations on facial bones: Incision (osteotomy), local excision and destruction (of diseased tissue) in a facial bone: Sequesterotomy (e.g. in osteomyelitis of the jaw): With removal of a sequestrum

  • OPS diagnosis code 5-195.91

    Microsurgical operations on the middle ear: Tympanoplasty (closure of a perforated eardrum and reconstruction of the ossicles): Tympanoplasty Type II to V: With implantation of an autogenous prosthesis (e.g. auto ossicle)

  • OPS diagnosis code 5-195.a1

    Microsurgical operations on the middle ear: Tympanoplasty (closure of a perforated eardrum and reconstruction of the ossicles): Tympanoplasty with atticotomy or atticoantrotomy: With implantation of an autogenous prosthesis (e.g. auto ossicle)

  • OPS diagnosis code 5-195.b1

    Microsurgical operations on the middle ear: Tympanoplasty (closure of a perforated eardrum and reconstruction of the ossicles): Tympanoplasty with antrotomy or mastoidectomy: With implantation of an autogenous prosthesis (e.g. auto ossicle)

  • OPS diagnosis code 5-399.5

    Other operations on blood vessels and additional information about operations on blood vessels: Other blood vessel operations: Implantation or replacement of venous indwelling catheter systems (e.g. for chemotherapy or pain therapy)

  • OPS diagnosis code 5-399.b

    Other operations on blood vessels and additional information about operations on blood vessels: Other blood vessel operations: Implantation or replacement of an implantable drug pump (e.g. for chemotherapy or pain therapy)

  • OPS diagnosis code 5-376.20

    Rhythm surgery and other operations on heart and pericardium: Implantation and removal of a heart assist system, open surgical: Extracorporeal pump (e.g. rotary pump or centrifugal pump), univentricular: Implantation, with sternotomy

  • OPS diagnosis code 5-376.21

    Rhythm surgery and other operations on heart and pericardium: Implantation and removal of a heart assist system, open surgical: Extracorporeal pump (e.g. rotary pump or centrifugal pump), univentricular: Removal, with sternotomy